Once everyone starts throwing the chalk, you can hardly breathe in the huge crowd. I think I had purple snot for over a week-I know your thinking gross but seriously who doesn't love snot that isn't green right?!
Mike and I. Ok seriously I couldn't get this stuff out of my clothes, nose, or hair.
Me and my bf Katie. See that pink on my scalp...ok it never came out. Its like once I tried to wash my hair, the pink decided to stick instead of wash out. I tried everything from washing my hair in baking soda amongst other things. Finally I was desperate so I called my friend Holly for an immediate hair session. Thankfully, I am now blonde again-but it was touch and go there for a while.
Pure Pandemonium and Pure Joy at Holi. We chanted Hara Krishna, Hara Krishna-oh the joy of celebrating other cultures. I love it.